Developing Healthy Bonds With Your Child

baby-17327__180Are you concerned with developing secure attachments with your child?  I want to share with you some good tips to securing a strong bond.

  1. If you are pregnant, be prepared in pregnancy.  I have found that I can never have too much information. There are so many good pregnancy books out there. Don’t be afraid to ask your OBGYN or pediatrician about your concerns or questions. Remember, your doctor has probably heard every type of question. Being prepared can take away the stress and allow bonding while your body is preparing for something amazing…motherhood.
  2. If you already have children, learn about child development.  I have found that there are many parenting classes offered in many communities.  I found that the internet is a great source of information, and have found many parenting classes offered online free.  Also I have found great low cost classes offered by my local county government.
  3. Be responsive during infancy and childhood. Responsiveness leads to security, and security leads to attachment. Think of when you feel most secure. Isn’t it when you are with others who listen to you, help you, and do not judge you?  All people want to feel secure.  Infants and children are no exception.  When a child knows that his mother will comfort him when he cries, and provide nourishment when he is hungry, he feels secure.

There are many ways to secure an attachment with your child. Some mothers think that they need to breastfeed, co sleep, or baby wear their children to bond with them. However, these are not always necessary to create a bond.  So don’t worry if these don’t work for you.  As long as you are prepared, are willing to learn and try new things, and are responsive, you will likely develop the bond that you desire with your child.